I am That I am.


Feather on Moss

I wanted to express my gratitude to all of you who may be reading this or have followed my work and trials and tribulations over the last two years. All that helped me in any way, shape, or form has gotten me to this point when I have done this self-work and business learning to create something that I never thought a computer-illiterate person such as myself would be able to do.

The real me

I was thankful to have a months worth of Lessons solidify in Alaska

Even though I am exhausted from building this site, I spent endless hours waiting for customer service and tech support to get back to me with the answers. I needed it slowly, but surely, it's coming together. I think back over the last couple of years, and even though I founded FutureNature, T3Photography, in 2022, They were not genuinely born until I returned from Alaska.

There is no such thing as coincidence, only the illusion of coincidence. Coincidence happens when a series of events come together. I also see it as threads that weave every being together on earth, recognizing each other through you as a conduit and pulling into a series of events that we are all presented with at one point or another—the chance for growth, rebirth, and a new purpose. What saddens me is that many people don't have the awareness or answer the questions to treat these changes in first small Growth and choose not to hear the calling of the threads. They get stuck in the familiar because we are taught from an early age to fear change, which is ironic. After all, change is the only true constant. I'm excited that you all get to see me re-emerge from my closet of solitude. And I truthfully cannot wait to share some wisdom I was given for you, For I have learned more about the rhythm of life, death, and rebirth in three months than in the previous 45 years. Even things my dad told me over the years that I thought I had a firm grasp on Blossomed into far more profound meaning.

It took its fair share of tears, fears, and anxiety, and in exchange, I was given gifts. One of my favorite childhood cartoons, The Thundercats, has been gifted with the sight beyond sight.

So sit back, Relax, and let yourself listen and be heard. For as much as you guided me, I will soon repay in spades.

On a technical note, this whole website hinges on you creating an account. This will save so much time when registering, not only for you but also for me, as it will mean 40+ fewer hours a month I will get back. In my current state, that is worth more than its weight in gold. Plus, you can access the member area. I will continuously add things that contain all your stored web links to any online classes you've participated in, as well as photos and notes from physical classes.

I will also select a few people to be guest bloggers and other online educators, which is more than anything. This is meant to be a space for nature lovers and educators to rally, and we will change the world.

For those who have never taken one of my webinars, I will be offering a free two-hour online program in a few weeks to give you a taste. I plan on doing at least one free offering a month!

Must rest now. It's late again, although I did take a nap this afternoon after almost blacking out while cleaning.

Stay human, and Walk Well,



It’s Official! The New System Works!


And So It Begins… Again.