Class Schedule

Due to some unforeseen setbacks, I will be reconfiguring my entire schedule. I will make good on all of my obligations to those of you who have supported me by signing up for classes. I will be sending out a blog post to my entire mailing list about the changes. I need to make in order to preserve my health and well-being.

Even when you sign up for a free class, you have to go through the registration process by clicking on the shopping cart icon after you register so the system can send you a Zoom Link!

Filtering by: “Thanks Dad”


T3 Reads TBJR

Here it is! The very first copy of "the Tracker”

In my quest to try and give back to the community that has been my entire life. I've decided to start a new tradition every Monday and Friday at 5 PM Pacific unless I have a previous engagement, I will host a YouTube live event where I will read a chapter from my father's books starting in chronological order and then I have some time afterwards for people to ask questions. Tonight's event will be the first one therefore we would be starting with the book “The Tracker” and the best part is, I will be reading from the first ever printed copy! Hope to see you there

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